

interests: carnivorous plants forests deserts mangroves coral reefs fungi lichen reptiles invertebrates birds mammals amphibians fish The Beatles karate🥋

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# wildoz

How are duck feathers so brightly coloured? https://t.co/8HpVX6So8H rt

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Startup to teach Crows to clean streets by collecting cigarette butts https://t.co/6kXNcXXLnZ rt

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The bleeding tooth fungus is a strange mushroom that secretes a blood-red fluid with anticoagulant properties rt

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Gang-gang cockatoo (Callocephalon fimbriatum) rt

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This newfound hermit crab finds shelter in corals, not shells https://t.co/FjwePCVvwi rt

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Gould's "The Mammals of Australia" Vol 1-3 (1863) is now on via mt

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Soundscapes from healthy, biodiverse forests are more complex. https://t.co/qPEn0mJHAv rt

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Elusive Deep Sea Octopus Takes Its Gelatinous Meals To Go https://t.co/AG8Pa6Mek3 rt

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The First Gliding Mammals Took to The Skies While Dinosaurs Still Roamed https://t.co/fM5V2DSGSW rt

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