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Back to a watercolor attempt for this week’s #SundayFishSketch. Theme is #endothermic fish. Though not truly endothermic, #billfish-like this Indo-pacific sailfish, have heat-producing tissue derived from the superior rectus eye muscle that warms their brain and eyes
For this week's theme - turn an inanimate object into a fish - I am giving a shout out to a summer favorite from @FreeStateBeer. A couple GAR-den Party bottles with a take on their signature rabbit as a backdrop. Fun theme! #SundayFishSketch
An off-theme #SundayFishSketch. A series of #catfish. Colored pencil on the sides of a cardboard box. 4 species, 4 river basins, 4 continents. #Amazon #Mississippi #Mekong #Nile
“Fish and what they eat” is the theme for #SundayFishSketch this week. Went more local this time with a smallmouth buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus) vacuuming up a mayfly nymph (Order: Ephemeroptera)
International fishes to highlight international students is this week’s #SundayFishSketch theme. It was my privilege to work with a student from Brazil during this shortened school year. This ones for you Nic! Piraya (Black-tailed piranha)
My fish-themed fireworks packaging featuring an Asian Arowana and a Tiger Shovelnose Catfish for #SundayFishSketch based on this vintage label.
Midweek #SundayFishSketch - museum/aquarium edition.
Redtail catfish (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus), a river giant I remembering seeing in the River Journey Exhibit at @TNAquarium
A school of Rosyface Shiners (Notropis rubellus) to celebrate all the 2020 graduates @TonganoxieHigh and across the globe. At the western limits of their range, these fish inhabit clear upland streams across the eastern third of #Kansas #SundayFishSketch
Here’s my fishy recreation of The Dance by Matisse. Loosely based on the Onaga (Etelis coruscans) and the long slender points on their caudal fins. #SundayFishSketch