

It’s all about the comic books, baby - Avatar by @grafunkel

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Artist rendering of the Omicron variant

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Just read WildC.a.t.s. for the first time.

The 90s has me

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Venom was even better than I expected. & take the new status quo and just jump into the deep end with it.

Funny how Venom has gone from street level anti-hero to the largest cosmic horror epic imaginable. captures that scale perfectly

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Thought Bubble reads continue and these two books are just right up my street. That slow dread creeping in, before a plummet into pandemonium. 👌.

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This was bloody good, wasn’t it?

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Mark Waid & Dan Mora teaming up on a DC book? Let’s go, baby

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So and Ivan Reis have stealthily crafted one of the most enjoyable superhero comics from DC in years, with Batman/Superman

Reis’ art continues to be spellbinding for me. Interesting to see him being inked by Danny Miki here

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Even though the X-line is still better than it’s been in years, it’s felt a bit meandering lately. But Way of X & Onslaught Revelation really acts as a vital coda to this era of Krakoa X-Men. Its life affirming theme was something the books have been missing imo.

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Savouring Wrong Earth. elevates what could be a one-note, post-modern gag into a heartfelt character story. I’ve fallen totally in love with ’s beautiful art again here. The storytelling is crystal clear and every character exudes personality.

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Morrison might be bowing out of DC comics but they still manage to make the DCU feel alive with dialogue like this.

The continuity/lore in DC books has progressed to a point that this doesn’t read like Morrison addressing the reader but an organic standpoint for Supes to take.

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