

22. i draw and i'm awesome
working on @RolusOutskirts

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no, it just didn't counter my point, i know they were going for something different. i think modern sonic with a rig as expressive as boom sonic would be good but boom sonic's model has a weird face. his renders have faces that are more on model...

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the mid 2000s renders for all of the characters are like this though. super stiff and stilted. the modern renders of the characters capture their expressiveness well.

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Not many indie RPGs go for the detailed SNES RPG look. But Kingdoms of the Dump does

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a key difference between Adventure Sonic and classic Sonic is how the spines sag (though there's many other differences). I assume Adventure Sonic has really long and saggy spines so you can see his spines from the front view, which is consistent between all modern Sonic models.

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this isn't true really. the only thing close to the classic characters is that they're stubby, The models are based off these model sheets that they drew up specifically for this game.

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the man behind the egg hunt. happy easter, it's finally over

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the klungo is hilarious cuz the in game model for klungo is so much better

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do they also have a Martin vinyl figure as well. drew this but was reminded of how super mario logan did this exact same thing

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yes, left pic is Giftpia. Robot has appeared in a few Nintendo games. Retro studios project is unrelated. Robots name is Mappo and appears in Giftpia and Captain Rainbow. He may be in Chibi Robo as well but I'm not sure... (all 3 games share the same developer)

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unrelated from your question - what's up with this blue robot cop with siren trope in Nintendo games? 3 times is too many to be a coincidence, this has to be inspired by something

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