Travel in a Gardenさんのプロフィール画像

Travel in a Gardenさんのイラストまとめ

garden history but not always

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Salotto, Guys Cliffe, Warwickshire 1860
I vasi a forma di tromba, come quelli disposti sui tavoli di questo luminoso salotto, erano di moda nella seconda metà del XIX secolo e venivano suggeriti per "narcisi, tulipani, molti iris, mombrezie e altri".

foto Vae Market

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Drawing Room, Guys Cliffe, Warwickshire 1860
vases, like those arranged on the tables in this bright drawing room, were fashionable in the second half of 19thc & suggested for "daffodils, tulips, many of the irises, montbretias, and others".

photo Vase Market

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Flowers in a Grotesque Vase by Orsola Maddalena Caccia, ca. 1635
Ewer with scenes depicting the legend of Marcus Curtius by Adam van Vianen, 1619

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Tempo di It's time...

Natura morta con frutta posta in un bacile metallico con lo stemma Rospiglosi,incorniciata da un tappeto

Still life with fruit placed in a metal basin with the Rospiglosi coat of arms,framed by a carpet
Giovanni Stanchi (Italian, 1608-1675)

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Negli anni Venti, l'architetto italiano Marcello Nizzoli (1887-1969) disegnò di seta con futuristi per la Ditta Carlo Piatti, fondata a Como nel 1912.
Nel 1950, Nizzoli disegnò la Lettera 22, una famosa macchina da scrivere portatile prodotta da Olivetti.

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In the 1920s, the Italian architect Marcello Nizzoli (1887-1969) designed with Futurist for the Carlo Piatti company, founded in Como in 1912.
In 1950, Nizzoli designed Lettera 22, a famous portable typewriter made by Olivetti.

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...and inspiring
Blue Vase with Flowers on a Blue Tablecloth, 1913
Henri Matisse (1869 - 1954)

Polychrome majolica with calla lily design
Galileo Chini (1873-1956)

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Ibisco, 1925
L'artista australiana Margaret scrive: "I fiori dovrebbero essere disposti per esprimere qualcosa".
Sceglieva le forme. Qui, 'guarda come è cinese [la sua] composizione di ibischi scarlatti e rosa con splendide farfalle verdi e nere della...Nuova Guinea'.

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Hibiscus, 1925
Australian artist Margaret wrote 'Flowers should be arranged to express something.'
She chose them for their shapes. Here,'see how Chinese is [her] arrangement of scarlet and pink hibiscus with gorgeous green and black butterflies found in...New Guinea.'

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Strawberries and Cream
Fragole e panna
Maxwell Ashby Armfield (British, 1882–1972)

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