Travel in a Gardenさんのプロフィール画像

Travel in a Gardenさんのイラストまとめ

garden history but not always

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Berberis v. produces just these small berries.
Do the flowers and fruits of your Quince Bush look like the ones in these images? If so it is a Chaenomeles speciosa or Japanese quince or Flowering quince. Please let me know.
Have a nice day!

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It's time for a gold lined, Meriden Silver Plate Co, 1883

E' tempo per una ciotola con interno dorato,
Meriden Silver Plate Co, 1883

A still life of fruits, and berries (pair), 1873
Arthur Wasse (British, died 1930)

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'Durante la estiva, quando non ci sono fuochi in salotto, schermi decorati con gusto inseriti nel hanno un effetto suggestivo... Le piante migliori... sono le comuni o variegate. ' A. Hassard, 1875
Trattamento di un camino georgiano. R. Felton, 1910

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'During the season, when there are no fires in the drawing-room, tastefully-decorated screens fitted into the have a charming effect...The best plants ... are the common or variegated A. Hassard, 1875
Treatment of a Georgian fireplace. R. Felton, 1910

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Natura morta con conchiglie , ca. 1932
Still life with shells, c. 1932
Felice Carena (Italian, 1879–1966)

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, ca. 1930
Hugo Noske (Austrian, 1886–1960)
color woodcut

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"Il vecchio turco, fulva, era un altro dei preferiti. Non aveva bisogno di cure e si presentava anno dopo anno, producendo la sua offerta quotidiana di fiori per molte settimane. È un arancio tenue e si fonde felicemente con altri fiori." M. Fish, 1961

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"The old double fulva, was another favourite. It needed no attention and came up year after year, producing its daily offering of flowers for many weeks. It is a soft orange and blends happily with other flowers." M. Fish, 1961

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"Finché il tuo giardino non sarà terminato, ti consiglierei di avere qualche pianta in vaso nella finestra ad est... Due piuttosto alti e larghi.. una grande Sollya heterophylla..., una bella Polygala oppositifolia, e due belle Fuchsie ben cresciute, saranno abbastanza."

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"Till your flower-garden is made, I would advise you to have a few plants in pots in the east window... Two rather tall and spreading a large well-trained Sollya heterophylla, a fine Polygala oppositifolia, and two handsome well-grown Fuchsias, will be quite enough."

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