RegressCo H.R.さんのプロフィール画像

RegressCo H.R.さんのイラストまとめ

RegressCo, we make even the little guy feel big. Paychecks are weekly or biweekly, diaper checks are as needed.

フォロー数:5 フォロワー数:7417

Ollie is the type to consider self-reliance to be vitally important, regressed or otherwise. Asking for “Uppies” to use the copier is something he’d never sink so low as to do. Asking for his pants back after he’s done making copies, on the other hand... (Art by )

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Ollie is one of those “never stop doing” types, and sees changes more as a disruption than a necessity, and prefers to try to work right through them. Sometimes there’s advantages to slowing down, like having access to warm wipes. (Art by )

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Regression, like your coworkers’ cell camera, knows no boundaries. If you find yourself regressing, find some privacy quick or your diapered rear is landing on muzzbook. And we all know how Karen from sales gets when anyone steals the spotlight from her kid.
(Art by )

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Look, whoever’s been posting these around the office, you’re clearly just jealous. Plus, that picture is wayyyy out of date, we’re not even in trainers anymore, so the joke’s on you.

(Art by )

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That first day getting dressed for work post-regression is always the worst. And don’t you dare utter “clip-on” (Or “missing pants”).

(With art from !)

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Employee likes to boast about how big he is, but anyone who needed copies on Friday can attest otherwise. Congrats Jimmy, we had so many complaints, you almost set a record.

(Art by )

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Not an ideal solution, but getting closer. Maybe next time you need to carry a coworker to a meeting, opt for the Executive Grey colored baby carrier. Neon purple doesn’t quite convey the same air of authority(Admittedly, neither do the diapers).

(Art by )

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If a coworker offers you a lift to a meeting, maybe try and find a way that’s dignified for you both. That’s the face of someone who’s considering using VERY cold wipes the next time he changes you.

(Art by )

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HR is still determined to sort out a...more dignified way to get to and from meetings quickly. The leash is a no go (Forever. Never again. Not after the “ cute puppy out for a walk” incident) and the stroller, while nice, kept putting us to sleep.
(Art by )

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Sometimes it’s just better to lose the argument and skip getting that new laptop than it is to let certain office-dad “crushes” reveal themselves.

(Art by , featuring and )

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