Volt Switch Movement! (#UnovaForSmash)さんのプロフィール画像

Volt Switch Movement! (#UnovaForSmash)さんのイラストまとめ

Reuniting peak Pokemon with the love letter of Smash! (Ran by @Extremmefan ; on Discord: discord.gg/HNht2XM ) #UnovaForSmash #VoltSwitchMovement

フォロー数:164 フォロワー数:351

ETM23: Frustration (TM/HM only)
"A full-power attack that grows more powerful the less the user likes its Trainer." - DP up to ORAS
Another "everyone (save for a few) can learn it" TM/HM move.
Called "Angry Outburst" in Japan.
(Images: BW, Colosseum, Battle Stories [manga])

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ETM22: Roost (TM/HM only)
"The user lands and rests its body. It restores the user's HP by up to half of its max HP." - Platinum up to Let's Go
Called "Feather Rest" in Japan. Basically a healing move that removes the mon's Flying type for a turn.
(Images: BW, Adventures [manga])

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This does mean we'll start today!
I'll be using the Unova dex numbers rather than National Dex, and I'll be having them in my nickname for the time being.
So today, tomorrow, and the day after... 👀

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ETM20: Protect (TM/HM only)
"It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession." -DP up to BW(+2)
Manga shows it as a shielding pose, so... shield idle?
(Images: BW, Be the Best [BW manga], Battle Revolution)

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ETM19: Taunt (TM/HM only)
"The target is taunted into a rage that allows it to use only attack moves for three turns." -BW up to SwSh
... Short of a taunt, I don't see how to use that one... 😓
(images: BW, PMD1, SM twice)

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ETM15: Agility (learned lvl 46)
"The user relaxes and lightens its body to move faster. It sharply boosts the Speed stat." - DP to BW(+2)
called "High-Speed Movement" (こうそくいどう) in japanese.
(Images: BW, Battle Revolution, Electric Tales of Pikachu [manga])

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Real talk, can someone out there tell me why Smash fans think Dedenne would be Pichu's echo.
Like, I get Pachirisu being put as Pikachu echo to SOME extend, but seriously, look at Dedenne here and tell me it has the same proportions as Pichu there.

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ETM13: Encore (learned lvl 38)
"The user compels the target to keep using only the move it last used for three turns." - BW up to ORAS
I'll be honest... I have no idea how to turn that one into a Smash move lol.
(Images: BW, DP, Battle Revolution, PMD1)

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ETM11: Acrobatics (learned lvl 30)
"The user nimbly strikes the target. If the user is not holding an item, this attack inflicts massive damage." - BW onwards
Emolga's signature move imo. Maybe a MetaKnight-like recovery? 🤔
(Images: BW, SM, Adventures [manga])

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ETM10: Electro Ball (learned lvl 26)
"The user hurls an electric orb at the target. The faster the user is than the target, the greater the damage." - BW(+2)
The typical projectile type move. I call it, Emongadouken. 😉
(Images: BW, SM, BW manga "Be the Best!")

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