Volt Switch Movement! (#UnovaForSmash)さんのプロフィール画像

Volt Switch Movement! (#UnovaForSmash)さんのイラストまとめ

Reuniting peak Pokemon with the love letter of Smash! (Ran by @Extremmefan ; on Discord: discord.gg/HNht2XM ) #UnovaForSmash #VoltSwitchMovement

フォロー数:164 フォロワー数:351

New Unova spirit battle 6: Iris!
Because the fight itself is based on her Champion battle I didn't make her an enhanceable spirit, but alternatively she could be an Advanced spirit with her regular artwork and one less Pokemon in the fight but be enhanceable to Ace rank Champ.

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Emolga Classic mode day 6: small Pokemon horde! (Pikachu, Pichu, Squirtle, Jigglypuff)
What else can I say? They just fit the point perfectly on top of being from Emolga's series, plus horde battles are a thing in some Pokemon games (see: XY)
stage: Saffron City or Prism Tower.

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Emolga Classic mode day 5: Animal Crossing!
I stuck the 2-on-1 at stage 5 for basic difficulty reasons, but Animal Crossing's entire thing is living a normal life with cute animal friends so it'd already stand out.
Any Animal Crossing stage, randomized Villager/Isabelle alts.

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Emolga classic route day 4: Duck Hunt [Duo]
The classic NES game that only got a cartoony artstyle when coming to Smash (because before that it was sprites and regular artwork. See: stage).
Really just at stage 4 to transition into the "vs two fighters at once" of next stage. 😅

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Emolga Classic route day 3: Toon Link
Zelda isn't really a "cute" series in and of itself but Toon Link reflects the particularly cartoony, mostly chibi artstyle of his games so I thought it'd fit. More dark themes are in those than Kirby's too.
Pirate Ship stage fits perfect.

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Continuing the Classic mode route from yesterday
for stages 1 & 2 I thought I'd put the very first "cute" characters of Smash.
So stages 1-2 are interchangeable, but rn stage 1 is Yoshi, because the general aesthetic of the Yoshi games are based around cuteness.
Any Yoshi stage.

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Black and white actually have a deeper meaning in the context of the legendaries because they're based around the yin yang, a... fairly complicated religious symbol with a lot of ambiguous meanings.
(I spent a good hour thinking about what's written on its Wikipedia page. 😅)

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Normally they're just Pokemon with a "black aura" (or rather deep purple "aura" flames) in those games (plus red eyes in Go).
But then Shadow Lugia came along and started a fandom color scheme trend. Though I based mine off the sprite recolors.
(last pic by ProfessorBonsai [dA])

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reference pic. I actually do have a Zorua plush at home.
It was a pain to recolor Emolga's artwork with those colors tho because, well... the white is hard to work with. 😅

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I forgot the sprite for this one oops.
Though I wasn't kidding when I said this started as me swapping colors with Reimu (2nd pic), or it ressembling the japanese flag (3rd pic) for that matter.
Idk why I went for Japan's flag for an Unova (who's USA-based) 'mon tho. 😅

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