

Artist/Animator-Sometimes I draw

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You literally took mine I'm so mad at you. I'll raise you a Jaco and also Kid Goku. (no GT Goku doesn't count.)

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More of Angie. I don't know what I wanna do with her but I for sure wanna keep drawin' her.

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Angie Boobmeme <3 I miss drawing this Goofy Butterface!

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Alrighty that's enough throwback for one Thursday :P

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Also I had an idea years ago for a Jynx and a Gardevoir that were sisters. And then I got really SAD when I found out that Jynx and Gardevoir are not in the same egg group so they cannot, in fact, be sisters. That was until Gen 8, baby!!!

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Years ago I made some Sonic stage Ginjinkas. Green Hill Zone, Emerald Hill zone, Sandopolis Planet Wisp and Stardust speedway (which I never got to finishing)

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The wig is my favorite part :D

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Y'know who I ain't drawin' in a while? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANGIE

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I've been drawing muffy and the gang so much I feel like I'm neglecting my other gals like Good ol' Putricia.

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