

Artist/Animator-Sometimes I draw

フォロー数:102 フォロワー数:10941

Citronella is a psychic who, after seeing Sweetgrass on tv, falls madly in love with her and chases her down to join the band. She and Clover don't see eye to eye. She prides her intellect above everything else.

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SweetGrass is a girl from a small farm in the west. She lost the use of her legs at a very young age but gets robotic replacements at the start of the story. A musical prodigy, Clover offers her a chance to travel around the world if she joins her band.

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Clover is the undisputed strongest woman in the world. Half human and half giant(yet only 5 feet tall) she packs a serious punch. After losing her arm in a train crash she quits fighting and pursues her true dream; being a musician! She's constantly torn between her two passions.

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A few years ago I had this idea for a world trekking musical journey in a fantasy world. I called it Clover & SweetGrass. While I'd love to make it into a comic or a show one day, I feel like I would need to know a lot more about music and the world first.

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Here's a hodgepodge of the magical girls. All their powers are based on their dispositions. Fear, Joy, Lust, Anger, Sadness Envy, etc. Bonus points if you can get their name gimmick.

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Picking it back up a bit. In what I'll call the "Magicverse" This is Jo Coração. A trashy girl who found a magical moodring in a dumpster, she is fated to save the world. Between her skills in MMA and her passionate heart she's a true shounen Battle manga styled Magical girl.

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Definitely not enough love for Vix! A sadistic scorpion girl who likes to play with her food. She'll draw you in with her dulcet tones and her polite disposition, then before you know it you're at the wrong end of her venomous stinger. And she's not the kind to sting only once.

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Speaking of Demons, Bitteny is a monster who is really a sweet girl deep down. The only caveat is how much she loooves munching down on human flesh. So y'know, just don't be made out of flesh around her and you're solid.

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Mary Macabre is a very spiritual goth. After reading through her family's old bible she realized that God was WAY more goth than the devil and became a devout catholic. She's looking forward to meeting her maker.

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Tall Dark and Creepy! Putricia embodies the spooky and macabre. Somehow she always manages to look on the dark side of things. Since childhood she's been obsessed with death and all thing dark. She never stops smiling because things can always be worse (and that excites her).

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