

Artist/Animator-Sometimes I draw

フォロー数:102 フォロワー数:10941

Nice character designs! Though that thumbnail got a chuckle outta me.

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This was super hard to narrow down. I'm sure if you asked me tommorow I'd name 4 different shows. I just love cartoons so much. Guess I'll tag https://t.co/QumC0QuVm2

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Doubt I'm gonna make it on there but no harm in throwing my hat in the ring. Muffy.

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Using Muffy to practice my inking.

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Many Moods of Muffy.

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Muffy through the years.

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Muffy needed a friend so there's Rori. As a Foil to Muffy she loves parties and socializing. She's constantly trying to get Muffy out of her shell. Rori usually wears a boatload of perfume to keep her scent at bay. Don't get her mad though. She's much more cruel than Muffy.

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Muffy is an antisocial skunk. She can't stand being around people and usually scares them off with her smell. She'd rather not have to use it though since she can't stand it either. She's infamous for her hair trigger temper. Despite her wishes people seem drawn to her.

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Pepper is a wacky witch who takes an interest in the band. Nobody can quite tell what's going on in her head but for the time being she seems to be reliable at least.

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