More about her in #free to access book on the Internet Archive "The last travels of Ida Pfeiffer...", 1861:
Having a lovely afternoon reading '#Archives of Natural History'. One of the papers is about the illustrations in John Curtis's 'British Entomology' some of my favourite illustrations of insects! Had you guessed that already? @ZSLLibrary often tweet images from these volumes.
Spent part of today looking for a particular #lithograph in this book written by ZSL's former Secretary, Philip Lutley Sclater. Published in 1862 with beautiful #sciart by John Jennens. Jennens also provided illustrations for ZSL's Proceedings & Transactions, now @JZoology
Born #OTD 1647 the wonderful Maria Sibylla Merian, entomologist, scientific traveller, #HERper, artist.
Featured in my post for @NoteArtHerstory : & in my #blog @ZSLLibrary about women & herpetology:
#SciArt #WomensArt #EntHist
A few @ZSLLibrary blogs with themes to celebrate #InternationalWomensDay
"Women and herpetology" 🦎 🐢
"Women, art and zoology" 🦋🦜
"Women and the blue planet" 🐟🦀
Among a selection of blogs at:
#SciArt #WomenInSTEM #WomensHistoryMonth
To celebrate #InternationalWomensDay I am highlighting some of my contributions to blogs & virtual issues about women in zoology. To begin, a guest post @NoteArtHerstory "Women in zoological art and illustration" :
#WomensHistoryMonth #WomensArt #SciArt
Born #OTD in Vienna, 1797 - Ida Laura Pfeiffer née Reyer, traveller, collector of insects, molluscs, plants... More about her in #free to access book on the Internet Archive "The last travels of Ida Pfeiffer...", 1861: #HerNaturalHistory
Happy Birthday Elizabeth Gould née Coxen born #OTD in 1804. 'Birds, described by John Gould, with a notice of their habits and ranges by Charles Darwin…' (Zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle…)[1841] contains some of the 600 illustrations by Elizabeth. #SciArt #WomensArt
Ending #InsectWeek with the wonderful Maria Sibylla Merian, 1647-1717. German-born entomologist & artist, one of our earliest known women scientific travellers. More about her, other #womenartists & #SciArt in my guest post for @NoteArtHerstory: #WomensArt
As it is @InsectWeek I am going to celebrate the contributions of women from the past to the development of entomology - scientists, explorers, artists and illustrators. I will tweet each day about a different woman. 🐝🦋🪲🐜🦗🪰
#EntHist #WomenInSTEM #SciArt