

Doom spriter and occasional mapper.

フォロー数:53 フォロワー数:1474

Abyss Mite monster for Hell-Forged Ep2. Small swarming enemy. Jumps at the player and explodes if contact is made.

Small sprite, so pretty easy to do.

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meanwhile, guys who are 5'11.99"

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Quite happy how this little green meatball turned out.

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Oh now. Made a rough model with basic colors in ZBrush. Resize in photoshop to Doom-size. Then manually painted in the cast-shadows, and pixel-edited the finer details.

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WIP Hell-Forged Episode 2 Putrefier monster.

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Finishing up the first monster for Hell-Forged Episode 2 - the Wight (male version). Might add a bit more splotches of color after I finished the XDeath; looks a bit monotone currently.

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The Ghoul for HF2. Decided to go with a new design instead of the old one from Hellstorm.

This concludes the non-boss monster models. Will model the bosses once I learn a bit more of Blender.

My new comp is set up, so spriting starts tomorrow.

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Strider enemy model for HF2. Blood-theme aracknotron, more or less. Might replace the guns with a better model.

The last part for my new PC should arrive by next weekend. I can run Photoshop again and start spritin'.

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Made the HF2 Putrefier and Hemodemo sculpts over the weekend.

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Made a concept for the Doom Knight, one of the 3 fallen Nephilim Knight bosses for Hell-Forged 2. This will be the Blood/Vampire theme boss.

Decided to go with a Techno-Egyptian theme for the next episode as a base.

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