

🇷🇴❤ Anime/manga/video games
SERVAMP || 鋼の錬金術師 ||ヴァニタスの 手記|| || 家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN! || SPY x FAMILY || Buddy Daddies


フォロー数:314 フォロワー数:667

Wow, Tanaka included so many characters. I didn't know it was Cappuccino at first until I saw his mark on the face xD
Now we know he's blonde.

0 13

Tsurugi...are you comfy there? xD
At first I thought Misono had his feet on him :))

0 17

She has a wrench in her hair xD

0 14

Mahiru looks so cute xD And kitty Kuro in that outfit!! So much cuteness! Mahiru with those glasses reminds me of Harry Potter xD Actually, if you look on the book, I think I can make out 'Ha...' on the first line and 'Pot...' on the second, I think Tanaka wanted to write HP xD

2 18

So, finally managed to finish this( ;∀;)
This is what I've been working on for several nights, an anime version of me to use as an icon for my other account. I had to redo it several times until I got a decent lineart, I left it as it is in pencil and just colored in PS.

3 15

Iori got new art for his birthday :D

0 7

Buon compleanno Nicco!
(I like how the colors in the image, green and red for the writing and the white BG and his coat, those are Italian flag colors :)

3 23

Was Iori trying to put that flower in Touma's hair? xD
Oh Iori xD You sure hinted that you have a crush on him, huh? ^^

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