

🇷🇴❤ Anime/manga/video games
SERVAMP || 鋼の錬金術師 ||ヴァニタスの 手記|| || 家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN! || SPY x FAMILY || Buddy Daddies


フォロー数:295 フォロワー数:643

Was Iori trying to put that flower in Touma's hair? xD
Oh Iori xD You sure hinted that you have a crush on him, huh? ^^

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Tanaka sure tricked me xD Sensei drew Tooru with a ponytail and I was fooled to think it was someone else's hairstyle (Gil ;_;
the old and young C3 trios together :D
looks like Iori's hair color is silver. I thought it would be a light blonde honestly.

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Okay, my guess as to which character is the one on the left. I think it's Gil!
Just from that little shape of the hair, I think it's him! xD The only other character who has a similar hair shape is Hugh, but as we can see, it's someone that is about the same height as Mahiru.

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The sign on Tsurugi says "Can't swim". Jun, Yumi, you could teach him now xD Also, hmm why do you have two straws in your drink Yumi? Are you sharing with someone? ^^

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SLS 15 and a compilation of SLS 4,5 and 6 to be released in the middle of August.

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Happy (belated) birthday ! I wanted to tell you happy birthday once I got this finished :D Hope you like it! Drawing is not my forte, but I tried my best to draw Sawori for you because I know you like her.

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Me: *sees that Iduna has a golden necklace*
Is that an allusion to Freya's necklace, Brísingamen?👀

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My favorite series in the same magazine :D

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my new tumblr icon :))
Because Hello Kitty and Kuro were my inspiration for my username xD

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