

🇷🇴❤ Anime/manga/video games
SERVAMP || 鋼の錬金術師 ||ヴァニタスの 手記|| || 家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN! || SPY x FAMILY || Buddy Daddies


フォロー数:314 フォロワー数:667

I did have in mind at first to use a bat pokemon for Hugh because it was so obvious (his team would have them of course!), but then I looked at Murkrow and his evolution Honckcrow which describes it like a mob leader :))

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Time for the Pride Pair! It was quite difficult to match a Pokemon for Tetsu, but I imagine him to have Water types and I decided on Blastoise. I imagined a younger Tetsu finding an injured Squirtle when he went fishing with his dad.

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I could have chosen a butterfly Pokemon for Lily, but my choice for Blissey was due to the pink aesthethic and also because of the motherly, caring nature that Lily also has. Plus, this Pokemon being female, kinda reflects inner Lust which is a woman.

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I can see Misono with Espeon and I think Psychic Pokemon suit him since he relies on strategies and logical thinking.

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Licht would totally have Fairy type Pokemons and this one caught my attention. For him, I chose Mega Audino because of it's angel like appearance and also for it's good hearing ability which Licht must have as a musician and who probably has perfect pitch as well.

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For Hyde I chose Emolga even though Pikachu might have been a more obvious choice but hear me out, Emolga is still and electric type which I think it suits Hyde and also its tail kinda reminds me a bit of Hyde's scarf xD

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Mahiru is first! I can see him with an Eevee :) I think Mahiru would have Normal type Pokemons in his team.

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Me and talked about Loveless and I wanted to bring this up for a long time because it was the first similarity that I noticed in Servamp and maybe that's why I liked it even more, because Loveless is one of my favorite manga.

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Got it! The comic book became available a few hours ago in Japan and I bought it just now! Woah, It has a lot of pages! I'm gonna read more of them tomorrow maybe during my break at work. Here's a panel with Rachel from the second comic in the book.

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almost forgot to give this to you before going to bed. I tried making it bigger and also straighten it as best as I could.
Also, never heard of that waifu thing, tried it out and it might be good when I'm at work where I don't have photoshop.
hope it's decent enough!

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