

★ illustration/concept art ★ she/her ★ thoughts are my own ★

フォロー数:368 フォロワー数:130

Staff at print center: so what are you waiting here for
Me, confused bc I thought the only waiting you’d do is for prints but scared that my answer is stupid bc duh this is a print center maybe she means what kind of print:
Staff: a print?
Me: yeah

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Girl in our class ranting loudly in the library: He’s quit every job he’s gotten this year! Being a delivery driver...I told him he needs to get his shit together or it’s over!

Me trying to write my essay:

My classmate writing his essay who I make eye contact with:

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so my entire floor is getting charged $300 if no one owns up to having spray painted on the floor in an area

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Me & my classmates waiting outside the door to our classroom bc teachers are always holding meetings in there

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I came back to my dorms smoke detector going off cause my roommate fell asleep w headphones in while cooking stuff...I slapped her ass awake

Good thing I have 2 giant fans to help me fan out the smoke

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It went great!!!! There was a moment where I went too low and the fan scraped the ground but I recovered & everyone liked it!!!!! AAAHHH THANK GOODNESSSSS

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I’m gonna die if something breaks while I’m actually performing tomorrow

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2 of the bars on the giant fan I made totally snapped and I need to hope my fixes are enough so I can keep practicing tonight bc I have to do this performance piece tomorrow morning

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If any teacher/professor says they usually just give Bs as a midterm grade to all students as a little progress marker or whatever instead of the actual work they put into the class it’s obvious they’ve never experienced strict parents who don’t tolerate anything less than an A

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