

★ illustration/concept art ★ she/her ★ thoughts are my own ★

フォロー数:368 フォロワー数:130

WE SNATCHED A ROOM it was so close literally down to the last 2 rooms in our target building available to house 3 people & when we got called & snatched they declared the 3 person rooms in that building were gone THAT WAS SO CLOSE IM SHOOK WE REALLY GOT LUCKY!!!!

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My art matters professor just used the academy from Kill la Kill as an example of a panopticon in architecture

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my roommate got in the shower right when i wanted to and then took so long that when i went in after her i had to take a really short one cause she used up all the hot water...

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I’ve just accepted at this point that I’m gonna wake up at 9 am to drilling and hammering every single fucking day of my break and there’s nothing I can do about it

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Me waking up to drilling and hammering at 9 am

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so one day in a chinese class a teacher was showing one of the schools chinese folk dances & a mother of one student got in a bad fight w the teacher & accused her of picking the other schools side or whatever cause her kid went to the opposing school

me, free from this shit:

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not to mention the same shit teacher got a call asking if it was his academy that got on x factor (it wasnt) bc they wanted to invite those dancers to perform somewhere else, & he lied saying it was his dancers which added more drama bc the original dancers found out

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it was annoying cause parents & kids on both sides got involved & it bled into my chinese classes that I was taking(i thought i had escaped that shit man)& it got so bad my chinese school had to send out emails explaining what happened

me watching the mess unfold after quitting:

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even though it took 7 years, really glad i was able to get out of that place in the end cause even if it was good for exercise it was annoying for my mental health

they later ended up getting involved in a feud w another dance school & embarrassed at a national dance competition

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News: Attack on Titan..

Me: oh great did it do more antisemitism & imperialist bs?

News: Attack on Titan editor arrested for murdering his wife


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