

★ illustration/concept art ★ she/her ★ thoughts are my own ★

フォロー数:368 フォロワー数:130

Also a heads up: One of my goals this summer has been to rebrand myself & post more art including what I’ve been doing in college, so this is a notice to mutuals that you’ll likely be seeing me w a new handle/icon sometime soon!

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First year not having to check for AP Scores but good luck to all those who are!!!!

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Me & my older cousin talking about how we both eat spicy chicken ramen in college vs my mom & my younger cousin getting spammed by our messages in the group chat

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Guess who found out they’re allergic to jackfruit today...

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The old town streets of Lijiang are filled with couples eating fresh fruit, huge fluffy dogs, youths asking their s/o’s to buy them a little something, & me becoming increasingly disillusioned with my father & the state of my family

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I think about going to all the cool places in China & then remember I have to interact w family & shrivel up inside

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Worked my ass off yesterday moving everything and my body is in extreme pain
P-plus ultra...

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lrt just that TRAILER made me burst into tears omg

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My roommate as soon as I get back from class when it’s like 2 days away of moving out: sorry I broke one of your plates

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