

Concept Designer/Art Director
IG / Threads: @banncars
BSKY : @bannister
- NO artistic AI, NFT and crypto shit. -

フォロー数:2912 フォロワー数:2301

Quick colors on your lines. It's not perfect but it was a fun one to do. ^^

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Let's see what I can show for this meme.

I know , and will mock me, but WHATEVER. I'll do it nonetheless. Here.

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Eng > Action scene keyframe / panel made in 2018 for Exodus Manhattan book
Book is due in France for June 12th.

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Fr > À partir du lundi 27 mai, Tib & Tatoum c'est tous les matins à 7h10, sur TF1 ! Voilà de quoi bien démarrer la journée !

Eng > Starting from Monday May 27th, Tib & Tumtum, it's everyday at 7:10 AM !

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