Ok first off Lavender Jack! The Mystery and Theresa Ferrier are my favorite things about this comic. Then Lore Olympus which is a brilliant retelling of Persephone and Hades. Finally Belzebubs which is a slice of life comic about a Black Metal family.

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今年の おにぎり第一弾は



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“Belzebubs” 作者J.P.Ahonen作画による過去作”Perkeros” もおすすめぞ

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Felt like making some fanart for one of my Fave Bands: Belzebubs! My werewolf Matilda would definitely be a huge fan too XD

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Me uní al reto ❤️no pensaba hacerlo, pero amé el resultado *u* haré más luego ❤️❤️#sixfanarts

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My to order &

Belzebubs - death metal Giant Days
My Hero Academia - uh yes, always yes
Once & Future - what if Indiana Jones was a retirement home escapee?
Super Sons - GOOD BOYS

WATCHU GOT https://t.co/xMc7lYQU6O

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When Belzebubs vol. 2 happens, i sincerely wish would include non-comic strip arts like these too. Because they are too well precious not to be on pages.

I consider them to be a sort of non-musical, graphic B-sides.

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Killing some time drawing Belzebubs while listening to Pantheon of the Nightside Gods...

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Et un p'tit dessin !
Oui j'ai été très très inspiré par Belzebubs

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Fr > Les affiches Banncars X Belzebubs seront disponibles pendant la tournée française de JP Ahonen.

Eng > Banncars X Belzebubs posters will be available during JP Ahonen's french tour !

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