

A Christian picture story teller…

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Those bags of myrrh were to take care of the body of Jesus in the tomb. The work seemed not to be comfortable, but the women had made up their mind to do.

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Mark was wearing a good smell. He told it was from a material named myrrh, with which he had been helping the women in the house for some task.

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The animals arrived back to the home of Mark(ex-Joseph).

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Before the frogram left there too, they gave a prayer on the hill.

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Simon and his son Alex left there, hoping to see they meet again altogether for the good news.

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Flora pointed out the possibility of the resurrection of Jesus, in a straightforward way. But Simon would not change his schedule.

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Simon and his son were going to leave this region next morning. He looked back what see saw and heard in this place which most people would think as a dreadful place of execution.

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Simon heard about Jesus from some people, who laughed at Jesus or who were mourning for him. He thought what happened to Jesus as too strange to be a myth.

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Simon had heard of the true God Who is invisible but works through His servants who are visible.

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Flora correctly pointed out the relationship between the man's name Simon and the faith in this region.

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