

A Christian picture story teller…

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They introduced themselves one another. The man's name was Simon and his son Alex.

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Flora found the man not through her sense of smelling, but through her sympathy that everyone would like to go to some memorial place.

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Eventually they found the man they were looking for. He was with his son.

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They went though the street and then climbed up the hill.

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The street was straight. The frogs were reminded of John the Baptist crying out to the people about the straight way of the Lord.

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The animals went along the empty street. They felt as if they had been following Jesus carrying the cross, going far ahead.

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The animals first went to the street along which Jesus carried the cross on the previous day. Now it was quite empty.

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Flora told the frogs her idea that they should seek for the kind man that carried the cross of Jesus. The frogs agreed.

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Quite fortunately, the beautiful Nadia offered to help Mark learn languages. The frogs celebrated his mother's nice arrangement.

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Meanwhile, the frogs were aware of the young Joseph staring at Nadia. His mother Mary was also there.

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