

A Christian picture story teller…

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The frogs were appealing that the governor stopped the conversation with Jesus, in which he himself had asked a very good thing and he had had to wait for the answer.

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The loud voices of the frogs drew attention of the governor's servant and the governor had to go to settle the matter behind the curtain.

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Jesus said to the governor that he had come to show the truth. Not only the governor himself but all those behind the curtain was interested what that truth was.

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Jesus told the governor that his kingdom was not of this world: The frogs wondered that the human disciples and themselves might possibly have been relying on him for a wrong thing.

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Because 'it is you that have said so' was the answer which the frogs had heard twice from Jesus before, and it was the third time.

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They were very sad because Jesus looked harmed badly by his opponents.

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The governor met Jesus face to face.

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Then the governor asked to leave him alone with Jesus, which gave a little hope to the frogs, but Joseph doubted if the matter would go better.

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The governor himself had not met Jesus face to face. He did not understand why the elders of this city were so hurried to judge that man, and indeed they came to ask him for the judgement.

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And he knew one of his men, an officer, accompanied by a wise dog, respected Jesus. The frogs agreed with him very well.

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