

I arrange music, write, and draw | 24, they/them, ace | Currently into: Fire Emblem, A3!, Ace Attorney

フォロー数:1246 フォロワー数:470

Verine: Ricotta cheese salad
Ricotta is a fluffy type of cheese made from whey (most cheeses are made from curds). In this recipe, it's paired with tomato, cucumber, and radish to make a bright, summery salad

4 24

Youssef: Scones and coffee
I always knew Youssef was a "one black coffee" sort of person and this proves it
Anyway Martha Stewart's back, baby, and this time she's got 16 scone recipes for ya

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Quincy: Spicy food
Since ‘spicy food’ could mean literally anything, I just said screw it and went with these hellfire chicken wings. Come on, with a name like that they MUST be good

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Nine: Naengmyeon
Another Korean dish! This is for buckwheat noodles, served cold. This site has two different versions, one spicy and one with broth

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Aitachi: Hamburgers
There are ten million hamburger recipes on the Internet, but this one was advertised as "the BEST EVER hamburger recipe", so obviously it's the best version

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Sian: Sweet potato pizza
This is a healthier (and gluten-free!) kind of pizza where the crust is made out of sweet potatoes. This particular version is for these cute lil mini pizzas

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Cyrille: Doesn't like eating
Okay I'm just gonna put a link to my favorite cooking channel on YouTube, "You Suck at Cooking"
Not only is it hilarious, but the recipes are surprisingly good and extremely easy to make

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Kati: Bulgogi deopbap
Bulgogi deopbap is a Korean dish consisting of a rice bowl topped with marinated grilled beef. The word "bulgogi" literally means "fire meat"

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Noah: Shrimp fried rice
Exactly what it says on the tin. This recipe is tasty, there's like five hundred variations of it, and it's a really good way to use up leftover day-old rice

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June: Spicy noodles
Here's a vegetarian recipe for spicy Thai noodles. For the authentic June experience, I recommend doubling the amount of Siracha sauce and eating the entire thing as fast as humanly possible
(That was a joke, please don't, you will die)

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