

I arrange music, write, and draw | 24, they/them, ace | Currently into: Fire Emblem, A3!, Ace Attorney

フォロー数:1246 フォロワー数:470

Louis: Tomatoes
Here's a recipe for tomato pie. It's exactly what it sounds like - tomatoes and cheese stuffed in a pie crust and baked in the oven. I know it sounds cursed but believe me when I say it tastes excellent

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Ethan: Calzones
Calzones are essentially a pizza that's been folded in half. They can be stuffed with cheese, pepperoni, sausage, and even pineapple - just about anything you might find on a pizza

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Ghilley: Is okay without eating, doesn't really think about food
Oh. You doing okay there, buddy?
Listen, cooking is hard, especially if you're depressed. So here's a list of 8 different meals you can make on the days when cooking feels impossible❤️

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Licht: Grandma's homemade gimbap
Gimbap is a kind of Korean sushi with beef. Unfortunately I couldn't get in touch with Licht's grandma to get the proper recipe, but I think this version comes pretty close

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Jamie: Freshly picked fruits and vegetables
Here's a recipe for fruit salad, a nutritious summer dish filled with all kinds of juicy, tasty fruit. And if you don't vibe with this particular recipe, there are ten thousand other versions on the same site

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Ell: Fruits and desserts
"Fruits and desserts", huh? Alrighty. Here's a recipe for angel food cake, a light and fluffy cake that pairs excellently with strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries

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A list of recipes for the favorite foods of all the Afterlife boys: a thread

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Guy: Squid shiokara
Shiokara roughly translates to... fermented squid guts. YEP. It's considered an acquired taste even in Japan. (I'm told one method of eating it is to swallow it in one gulp, then down a shot of straight whiskey.)

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Azuma Yukishiro: Mizu manju
These are sweet, translucent jelly cakes made with a gelatin-free thickening agent called kuzu, or arrowroot. These ones are filled with red bean paste

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Homare Arisugawa: Carrots
What can I say? Man loves carrots. Here's 34 carrot recipes I guess, enjoy

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