フォロー数:33 フォロワー数:1926

made a new character over the last week for a dungeon world game a friend of mine is running! her name's raisaku morimoto and she got struck with a bolt of lightning that gave her electromagic abilities.

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look at this boy. look at this boy and tell me this isn't a face worth protecting

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compare mighty's original palette (on the left) with the rest of the cast vs. the palette i've given him (on the right). his original palette is really desaturated compared to the other characters and it feels flat as a result. ray has this problem, too.

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oh now THIS

this feels great.

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and of course... i had to entertain the idea of what mighty could've looked like in mania if he used this sprite as a base. no, i won't be making a full project out of this :P

top right: mania plus mighty
bottom left: mighty reshaded
bottom right: chaotix mighty redone, reshaded

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the goal here was to make mighty, who's a really obvious sonic 1 sonic edit with poor shading and a weirdly low-contrast palette compared to the rest of the characters, look like he was drawn from scratch for chaotix the way everyone else did. here's a direct comparison!

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the moment i saw 's classic shadow redesign, i knew i had to try making a sprite of it, so here's his shadow in the sonic mania style!

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these might be my two favorite frames of animation i've drawn in a long time...

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also, since i mentioned this: if you didn't know, sonic's victory animation in mania uses an unused animation from sonic 1 in the little jump he does before he strikes his iconic pose!

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as you can see up there, i used other chaotix sprites as bases for other frames, too. except for his bored animation; i tossed that in just to fill the gap there, because i edited the final pose directly from mighty's title screen art. check it out!

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