

RTs/Likes/ Follows do not equal endorsements. 2022 theme tbd- something optimistic maybe?

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I’m beginning to think my original idea of a RPG campaign may well be set a few hundred years later than planned. A lot of my existing resources are set in 16th century period such as campaign 1/2

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Newt also published Hearts in Glorantha and Glorantha Adventures fanzines- alas, no more! Wonder how much work had been done on “Defending the Dark”?

At one point, “River of Heaven” was to have used the game engine (eventually powered by )

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Going together like Xmas and Cliff; Batman and Robin; Marvel Team-Up & Marvel Two-In-One is & ‘ kickstarters keep on giving- https://t.co/yJ8snuT2mb ; https://t.co/oQUgdjdp6Y ; https://t.co/COeA6ZdEbi ; https://t.co/FaUOgOaKHW

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Coming up later for / supers cross over, some thoughts on how to model Captain Marvel - some hacks might be required to type etc- possibly the new sourcebook might provide solutions

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‘s is a thorough detailled D100 games system. Mix ‘s with &/or sourcebooks for rise & fall of empires with SF parallel universe hopping vs the disruptors. 8/n

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Oh, alright then, I’ll go for a hat-trick of tweets. Using the / engine by , Mark wrote the fine RPG - which one of these days I’ll run.

Blog is at: https://t.co/fP7L0Ulmpt
Buy at: https://t.co/5IDY7YjBiS+

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4 spaces left for Yellow King game Sunday afternoon- “Paris, Carcosa”

Robert W Chambers’ inspired weird mystery.


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Glorious poster art of ‘s 7th voyage of Sinbad

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