

not so casual story enjoyer

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:134
# kubera

Now I see what's happening here. Yeah, they need to go to the universe where Agni and Brilith found Leez

0 9

I wonder if Chandra is aware that they don't belong here

0 8

Enemy, huh? I do not like this arc title a bit

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As much as I love seeing my annoying boi Chandra here💜💜, this means that this must be like an alternate timeline of sorts

0 7

Yess, this is amazing. I love that Maruna's experiences helped him formulate his own thoughts about the Ananta clan. This also opens the door for cooperation with Sagara when necessary

0 8

Oh, that's a good theory as well. Maybe Kubera is indeed following Brahma's will buuut I have a sneaky suspicion that he might be following his own will as well👀

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What an interesting situation

0 7

Damn, so he did nothing even though he could've prevented the annihilation of the ancient humans, huh…

0 9

I see the shadows around his eyes…

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