

not so casual story enjoyer

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:134
# kubera

Currygom didn't show Ananta's eyes when he asked Sagara if the greatest power in the universe is the most important thing for her👀

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Oh dear, what if they're in an equal position. Oh gasp, that would be terriiibleee🙄🙄 I like that Ananta's immediate reaction is "Sweet, let's do that"😁😁

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Hell yeah, I knew Ananta was someone like this

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Is she asking his consent to annihilate the ancient humans🤔🤔

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I love this man so fucking much❤❤ Also, I love how hard Sagara tries to sell the idea that Ananta is the kind of king the primeval gods would like🤭🤭

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Ananta looks so cutee🥰🥰 Don't worry Sagara, it's just Brahma, he doesn't need to pay attention to her

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Well he's probably telling the truth but Ananta's reasoning must be quite different than whatever Asura imagines

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Aa, I'm so freaking angry. No, that woman is NOT Airavata and I will never ever call her that unless I absolutely have to

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Okay, I know this is an important conversation but I can't help but get distracted that currygom drew one of them as the angry gremlin and the other as a majestic god😁😁 like look at Yaksha's eyelashes

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I absolutely love how much of a wuss Asura is🤭🤭 I seriously love it, Yaksha just said "Wouldn't it be better to use your head" but he's such a coward and so butthurt that he just said all that in one breath😆😆

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