

A Pokémon Battling Addict, & Power-Scaling Analyst!
Big Fan of Pokémon, SAO, YGO, DBZ/DBS & many more Franchises!
Follow for Mostly #Pokemon Related Topics!

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Who do you Believe are Ash's Top 5 Strongest Pokémon? Mine are:

1. Pikachu
2. Greninja
3. Lucario
4. Charizard
5. Infernape (or Sceptile)

57 436

Which Pokémon Anime Series did you think had the Best Battles Overall?

31 321

Who is your Favourite Generation 1 Trade Evolution Pokémon?

10 35

Scizor or Kleavor?
Which Pokémon do you Like more?

5 32

Honest Opinion on Generation 8?

5 20

Honest Opinion on Generation 4?

5 15

Honest Opinion on Generation 3?

5 21

Who is your Favourite between these 3 Pokémon Sword & Shield Rivals?

17 87

Honest Opinion on Pokémon Sword & Shield?

4 51

Honest Opinion on Pokémon Black & White?

2 52