

A Pokémon Battling Addict, & Power-Scaling Analyst!
Big Fan of Pokémon, SAO, YGO, DBZ/DBS & many more Franchises!
Follow for Mostly #Pokemon Related Topics!

フォロー数:456 フォロワー数:4064

Here's the Image for the Iris Fans!

57 379

This is where I'd Rank the Top Eight Strongest Champions in the Games!

171 2785

Out of ALL the Trainers they could've had Ash Battled in the Ultra Class, were you Satisfied with the Four Trainers they chose?

Or would you rather have seen 1 to 3 Completely Different Opponents instead?

13 137

Favourite Monster from Sevens?

1 17

Who is your Favourite between these Two Legendary Dragons of Unova?

12 86

Four Pokémon that NO Pokémon Fans HATE, it's Impossible!

851 11982

Who is, CANONICALLY, the STRONGEST Champion between these Four?

14 177

Journeys > Every other Pokémon anime series

10 62

ZEXAL is my Fav Series, but breaking it down into Arcs:

Arc 1 (Pre-WDC): Bad
Arc 2 (WDC Preliminaries): Good
Arc 3 (WDC Finals): Fantastic
Arc 4 (Barian Invasion): Great
Arc 5 (Mythyrian Numbers War): Great
Arc 6 (Barian Emperor Onslaught): Goat

8 49