

A Pokémon Battling Addict, & Power-Scaling Analyst!
Big Fan of Pokémon, SAO, YGO, DBZ/DBS & many more Franchises!
Follow for Mostly #Pokemon Related Topics!

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Honest Opinion on Pokémon Platinum?

3 43

Honest Opinion on Pokémon Crystal?

2 30

Before Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Release, Rank the First Main Series Pokémon Generation Games from your Favourite to Least! I'll Start!:

1. Black & White
2. Ruby & Sapphire
3. Sword & Shield
4. X & Y
5. Gold & Silver
6. Diamond & Pearl
7. Sun & Moon
8. Red & Blue

5 37

What were your First, Last, Favourite & Least Favourite Starter Pokémon? I'll Start:

First: Chimchar
Last: Oshawott
Favourite: Froakie
Least Favourite: Chikorita

23 185

Honest Opinion on Chloe!

7 28

Honest Opinion on Tracey!

5 17

Pokémon Journeys: The Series!

10 40

Pokémon the Series: Black and White / Best Wishes!

9 37

Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl!

9 44

Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire / Advanced Generation!

10 43