

A dork 33 y.o. ace bun who loves horror, heavy metal, video games, and occasionally getting eaten by his friends! WILL hug you. Future @jaycostumes suiter!

フォロー数:1236 フォロワー数:7417

Wishing everyone the best vibes this evening. Offering up my cheeks to smush to aid in the acquisition of good vibes ❤️

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Mrrrrrrrrrrrfffffffttttt...! >/////////////<;

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Hoooooohhh my h-hecking goodness gracious...w-what a lovely enticement, indeed...

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H-holy HECK, whoever drew this definitely did an amazing job! O.O

F-fangs... >////////////<; ❤️

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Awwwwwww, this is adorable 🥰 Thanks so much, ! ❤️

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D'awwwwww, I instantly know who drew this! Thaaanks , you draw Fate adorably as ever 🥰❤️

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Awwwww...well, offering the wuff some extra-tight bun hugs in this tough time. Hope they help some >w< ❤️

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Just wrap that cloak over me so I can pretend I'm in a soft, feathery bird cocoon ❤️

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Awwwwww...coming right up, Tanz >w< ❤️

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