

A dork 33 y.o. ace bun who loves horror, heavy metal, video games, and occasionally getting eaten by his friends! WILL hug you.

フォロー数:1240 フォロワー数:6462

Coming right up in both regards ❤️

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I absolutely d-do not doubt you there...j-just so happens to be the perfect size for me, as well~ ❤️

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Nekromantheon - 'Rise, Vulcan Spectre' - A vicious, furious thrash metal assault with some kickass lyrics dealing with Ancient Greek orthodoxy, and a sick-sounding production; fucking love the tone of the guitar on this album, especially during the solos

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Your Goodra is just too goshdarn lovely...can only imagine how much fun she'd have with a small, cute, blushy rabbit like myself... ❤️

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Don't worry, for cute little snacks like you, still got my novaleit form~ ❤️

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