

A dork 33 y.o. ace bun who loves horror, heavy metal, video games, and occasionally getting eaten by his friends! WILL hug you. Future @jaycostumes suiter!

フォロー数:1235 フォロワー数:7427

Heck, sorry to hear things have been not so good for you mentally, Vale. I can definitely understand it, have had times like that when the grind of work just wears you down and the things that usually excite you just don't :S Hope things get better for ya, dude; huge bun hugs! ❤️

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Oh hey, there's me!

...Aaaaand I'm gone >/////////<

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This lovely doe can devour me anytime she wants, to be perfectly honest~ >//////////< ❤️

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Heya there, dillo~ >w< <3

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What are a couple squeaker's respective opinions on the bun, I wonder? >w>

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Abra cadabra lizard bnuuy is gonna transfigure himself onto your haunches O.O


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