

Owner of Spellfiregifts.com I love costumes, tarot, paganism, D&D. Slytherin, Bard, Witch & Rogue. Super Married to @Hummdm Garden Witch & Crone

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Today's Color: White. Acceptance is a difficult thing. However, 100% acceptance can bring the anxiety level of a situation down. It is what it is sometimes, and we have to work within those constraints. Making the best of a tough situation may give you back a piece of control.

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Today's Color: Black. This time, sit back & let karma do the work. Take solace in knowing we can't change everything, but the universe is always watching, keeping score & dishing out what's coming. We don't have to constantly yell into the void. Reserve your energy on this one.

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I can't believe it. I have NO sewing on my plate today, because I'm waiting on trims. Not. One. Thing.

I thought I'd be excited, but I'm actually a bit bummed. It's a day to create some fun pieces for the site.

A couple of poppets, maybe some sleep masks, even a plushie?

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Today's Color: Ivory. We've all heard, you get out of things what you put in. If your rituals aren't manifesting, feel disorganized or weak, take a hard look at your prep work. Do you have the right tools/time? Environment/intentions set? Sometimes it's best to get back to basics

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Today's Color: Gray. When things get tough, don't be afraid to reach out & get some energy from your fellow witch.Together we can do anything, & hopefully you have that one witch you can count on to have your back. Combined energies overcome obstacles, & we stick together witches

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Today's color: Coral. Resourcefulness is part of being a witch. We might not always have the most dazzling tools, but it doesn't diminish the work. Magic is like a car. A Pinto gets you the same place as a BMW, just not in style. But, you arrive at the destination nonetheless

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Today's Color: White. It's new moon witches, and the 1st of 2021! If you are struggling with your new year's promises, this is a good time to reset & recommit. Manifestations for the year can be set now, & record them in your book of shadows for reference. Wish big this year!

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Today's Color: Lavender! Break out that amethyst, light those lavender incense & get ready to unlock your mind today. Place your book of shadows near your bed, & the amethyst under your pillow. This enhances dreams, & you may be able to divine your messages or answers from them.

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When someone shows you who they are.... believe them.

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Today's Color: Blue. As holiday winds to it's end, don't forget to take a few minutes to rest. To slow down, light your favorite incense, & promise yourself that amount of time to recharge. As it burns away, feel your stress going with it. No incense? A tealight candle works too!

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