

Owner of Spellfiregifts.com I love costumes, tarot, paganism, D&D. Slytherin, Bard, Witch & Rogue. Super Married to @Hummdm Garden Witch & Crone

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Today's Color: Turquoise. Robins are tiny birds with BIG mythology. The eggs are considered extremely lucky if found open, but deadly if disturbed (not to mention it's against the law) Robins were sacred to Thor, while in Celtic tradition they represent the Oak King's very spirit

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Guys if you see this & I'm not following you back, raise your hand! I want to follow you, & I don't get all my notifications!

*I can't follow porn accts (i have teens in the house & I leave my computer open, but I still love you too)
*If you spread lies/hate, not following that

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Today's Color: Purple. Whatever you do to relax, make a bit of time for it. Even if you're working, get a special coffee, plan a movie night or order take out. Splurge even if it's just a bit. No money? That's okay. There are free ways to self care, extra long shower, meditate..

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We have new stickers arriving for Friday's update. *grins* You guys wanna see em?

These are the freebies that will come with every order (as long as they arrive on time lol)

I love em!!!!👇👇👇👇

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Big day ahead.
*Shipping (yes if you order early, I can get you out today!)
*Putting up my Yule decorations (including that amazing simmer pot recipe)
*Seeing if I can swindle Humm into some base grapevine head wreaths.

What are your plans today? Share & give some inspiration!

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Today's Color: Rose. Amidst the hustle & bustle, remember kindness is key. People don't want to be working today, but many have to. Give them this easy spell. "Has anyone told you that you're doing a great job today?" Watch them laugh & say no. "Now they have!" It works.

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Today's Color: Purple. As witches, our taste in items/decor can be eclectic. Trinkets & bobbles always seem to find us. In your travels today, be on the look out as a piece might be trying to call you. There are little magical treasures every where if we keep our perception sharp

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Today's Color: Gray. Taking a look inward helps you understand not everything is in your control. What IS controllable, is how we respond to people/things. Is worry serving you? Is anger serving you? Do you wish you didn't care? All of these can be explored in Witch's Shadow work

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Okay everyone has tracking, all yesterday and today's orders are out baby!!!!

I'm physically walking all this into the post!!! Have a wonderful first Saturday of Autumn all you lovely people!

Spread kindness today if you can!

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So much is arriving ahead of tomorrow!
*The Chalices..OMG the chalices
*Coffee Mugs
*New Candles
*New Crystals
*New cauldrons
*New Incense
*New books
*New Decor
*New Kitchen Witch & more!

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