

Owner of Spellfiregifts.com I love costumes, tarot, paganism, D&D. Slytherin, Bard, Witch & Rogue. Super Married to @Hummdm Garden Witch & Crone

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I'm going to chill for a bit 🤗

Who's with me?🌛🌚🌜

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Today's Color: Pink! Frivolity is in the air! Let go of inhibition & your logical self. The world isn't going to come to an end if you treat yourself to a special lunch, a fancy coffee, or a new book. Once in a while throw caution to the wind & spoil yourself. It's allowed!

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Today's Color: Purple. Get in tune with your higher self, & take a hard look at what you'd like to accomplish in your Solstice Rituals. Gather your tools, by making certain you have all that you need for a festive, exciting & transformative Litha. Summer is officially arriving!

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Hope everyone has a beautiful Beltane! Prepping for our bonfire/planting!

See you guys late tonight!

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Today's Color: Blue. The moon passes from full to waning. Time to release dark & move to the light. Focus energy on thanking winter spirits, & asking them to leave. Be grateful for their protection through the cold. Feed the last of the winter critters, before the dawn of spring.

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Today's Color: Brown. Celebrate the 4legged, 8 legged & 2 legged, feathered, furry & no feet critters returning to the land. Have an animal totem of any kind? Put it out, & welcome animals back. Give extra special love to your familiars & pets today, by honoring their loyalty.

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Today's Color: Gray. Magic tools often call to their owners. If there's a particular talisman/item that keeps cropping up, it might be something you'll connect to. Always be on the lookout, whether it's a piece of jewelry, wand or a tarot deck. What pieces have called to you?

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Today's Color: Purple. With New Moon upon us, break out that manifesting power. What do you really need? Decide & go for it. Set your intentions now, & watch it grow over the next 2 weeks. In the beginning, even the greatest endeavors started small. Your ideas are no different!

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Today's Color: White. In the last weeks of winter, it's time to make sure your direction for Spring is set! The last of the cold bears down, as the sun makes it's long journey back to us. Try to enjoy the peaceful quiet of the season, & say goodbye to the spirits of winter.

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Today's Color: Ivory. Worrying about money isn't very effective & damages your health. Many are facing REAL financial peril, but if we can change our thinking to "I always find a way" it eases a bit of the anxiety. Light a white candle & put a piece of pyrite near. It will pass.

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