

...cussin' (G Muzz) OG/Gray Fox w/ side Marble Fox- ⊑ᚣᘢᛢᚣ

-whiskey sippin'| 🎶 fiend | street art freak | Hockey fan | lover of life | Bi | 💍 to a lion | open

フォロー数:475 フォロワー数:251

Wow! I requested my 2 favorite foxes. Maybe drinking their own beer from their "time". Maybe scamming each other. Well, to my surprise he did BOTH!

I'm dying how happy this makes me. Personal life is pretty shit lately with broken hand crap so THIS helps . <3


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Work has me all...

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All kinds of good times at FC this year. Damn Twitter text limit can't fit it all. Thank you though. I needed that!
Commish done by Kitsumi.

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A cool little WIP animated gif I put together of the Robin Hood commish. Enjoy!

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