

| 23 | Read Re:Zero, Fate and Tomozaki for success in life | Currently slowly figuring out what I'm doing, don’t mind me | Tohsaka and Garfiel stan

フォロー数:332 フォロワー数:1338

This scene to suck apparently 💀#HollowMissingRin

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This loop ended up being very Saber centric

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This scene took me out as well

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It seems I have underestimated Saber's comedic potential 😭#HollowMissingRin

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All the interactions involving Avenger are such a blast 😭#HollowMissingRin

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She's an icon, she's a legend and she is the moment. Now c'mon now

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I am also liking Bazett as well. The dynamic between her and Avenger is honestly kind of a blast, honestly. Definitely going to have a lot of fun following around their storyline

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Hello Rin, my beloved. I haven't had the privilege to bask in your greatness in the past two years. Also, goodbye Rin. See you again in a couple of weeks in the second half of the game😭#HollowMissingRin

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Read the translated parts of Vol 3 (and the adaptation of the volume) and the entire Vol 4 of Apocrypha. Though still middling, as the cast has slimmed down, the author was able to do relatively more substantial things with the remaining characters, especially the stronger ones.

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Finished Fate/Apo Vol 2. The author continues to showcase an ineptitude in juggling such a big cast in so few pages. A handful of decent characters ended up with fun little storylines but with most of the cast is there to be there and to make things feel more superficially epic.

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