

| 24 | Read Re:Zero, Fate and Tomozaki for success in life | Currently slowly figuring out what I'm doing, don’t mind me | Tohsaka and Garfiel stan

フォロー数:327 フォロワー数:1360

Finished Fate/Apo Vol 1. Most of it was half-baked, drowned itself in unengaging worldbuilding and in fight sequences between a collection of paper-thin characters. Still, I liked the storyline of the homunculus clinging to life and the dynamic between Mordred and her master.

0 22

I finished Pandora Hearts and it was an interesting read for a number of reasons. When looking back at the series as a whole (and even at a lot of my limited commentary on the series), it's evident that it covers and depicts a lot of concepts and themes that really appeal to me.

4 27

Finally time to get back into the VN playing grindset and start this.

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Top 10 protagonists from any medium

5 180

Got 30 SQ as quickly as possible to try again but failed (once again) 😭 Well at least I got two four star Lancers. After getting these and Romulus-Quirinus in the past week, I definitely won't have to worry about this class for a bit.

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Yeah it goes from this to this (which is a plus for her fans...but yeah)

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Top 1 character in these mediums

LN (Garfiel Tinsel)
VN (Rin Tohsaka)
Anime (Shinji Ikari)
Manga (Katsuki Bakugou)

0 24

And he’s highkey my favourite character so far. Also, he’s sexc.

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