

23 | any pronouns | ff/drakenier/loz | occasional art

フォロー数:33 フォロワー数:21

[ ] [ ] One - Cries of Whispers

76 124

2019-2022 art AND character inconsistency crazy

0 1

[ ] [ ] Lysithea - The Girl With Two Crests

63 168

[ ] Little cat burglar Nami!

0 4

[ ] always loved this nico robin look btw

27 72

[ oc ] The Warlord’s Daughter

0 1

just a little dino quickie!

0 0

[ ] obsessed with charlotte i fear

83 179

[ ffxiii ] replayed xiii for the first time in years and well… help 🥲

4 8

[ ] [ ] Memories lost in the storm…

5 14