

German 🇩🇪 | EA AHQ Hero RET | Xbox 🎮 | Amiga F💖rever | Re🕹️ro Game Collector | GIFs | Luv Shmups

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The movie was also directed by Chris Roberts, like the games.

Unfortunately the movie was a flop. I never got why he decided for a different design of the Kilrathi compared to the games 😭

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Difficult choice. I have many but I'd say QuackShot

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I go with Super Mario Bros. 3

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The great Giana Sisters. Always luvd that game 👌

Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams is also an amazing jump'n run.

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I stumbled across Brian the Li🦁n yesterday and wanted to share it here in case anyone hasn't heard of it yet.

It's a great jump'n run game developed by Reflections and published by Psygnosis🐽 ;P in 1994.

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Talking about Earthworm Jim... here's another classic one 🤣🤣🤣

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