

German 🇩🇪 | EA AHQ Hero RET | Xbox 🎮 | Amiga F💖rever | Re🕹️ro Game Collector | GIFs | Luv Shmups

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Quite difficult question cos I have many but I guess I go with QuackShot 🤩

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🤏 I always liked Yoshi's character. I often chose him
⬇️ in Mario Kart 64 back then. But my absolute favourite
⬇️ Yoshi game is Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.
⬇️ Excellent graphics and animations and also a great level
⬇️ design make this title a gem. 🥚💎🥚

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A vicious pig army invades the land of Zebulos and abducts the princess of the kingdom. Sparkster sets out to expel the invaders and save the princess. His journey leads him finally to space and the death star-like space station Pig Star.

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I oversalted the fries in Theme Park, caused accidents in Indianapolis 500, or thrown newspapers at passers-by or in windows in Paperboy. What fun! 😬

What atypical (fun) things did you do in video games that weren't the object of the game?


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Visit GOG and get for free. https://t.co/8MrOPdvUHJ

Toonstruck is a point-and-click adventure published by Virgin Interactive in 1996. The main character, Mal Block, is impersonated by Christopher Lloyd.

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