

Too poor for all of my interests

otome game account: @oto_tokie

Banner: @PartisanART

フォロー数:721 フォロワー数:850

I have to go to tomorrow but I can't sleep.

Someone hallllllllllp

0 11

Idk if you guys know but MD will be heading up and they're all growing into monsters+boom who we all know is already a beast! Also (I love you ) GO

MD: , , Exander, , and Vesper

LOOK OUT FOR THEM >:) https://t.co/Kl8ce3bxpi

3 12

Oh ring out nerfs across the board definitely help as well

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I'm so proud but also wdf LOL

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With all the tier lists coming out and stuff, friendly reminder that tiers don't determine how much success you personally can have with a character. Don't think that your losses are due to liking a "bad" character or your wins are because you play a "good" one. :> keep grinding

9 49

Crybaby infinitely combo into itself

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