

Interested in history, art, people, culture. I am not a historian and never studied history beyond school.

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Interesting. The engraving with has different colouring ...

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Guru Nanak Devji, 19th cen Lucknow or Deccan. Wearing patchwork cloak on top inscribed Kurta & an embroidered pink cap with golden borders, scene set on a terrace. pic frm Chiswick.

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Two 1790s works of a hunting expedition of Nizam Ali Khan of around Golconda Fort with top ranking nobles & his personal staff on horseback. The procession is led by the Nishan on elephant followed by French Infantry of Mon. Raymond ...1/3

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Top Lord Vishnu & Lower Lord Krishna, both riding composite elephant made of nine women. This type of art work is known as Nari (woman) Kunjar (elephant). Top 1790-1810 & Lower 19th cen both frm 1/2

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Women Musicians. Two women wearing lavish clothing & jewellery, one plays the the other holds a ( can confirm). Look like Sisters! 19th cen frm

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A man distilling liquor & another drinking. Start of the weekend. Company School 19th cen Sikh Style frm Yesterday Punjab Police seized a huge quantity of illicit liquor. https://t.co/xUzfU5qdxm

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These two works with show a group of men cornering a big rat. Some men seem to be intoxicated. Museum doesn’t give any info. Any inputs abt significance ?

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Men’s Only Hukkah & Bhang Party. Everyone maintaining social distancing, two dogs, caged parrot & a snack seller. Striped pyjamas. 1850s frm

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After the death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, he was the most influential man in Punjab. When the British won the First Sikh War in 1846, Diwan Dina Nath was made head of the Governing Council by the British. He also signed the Anglo-Sikh Treaty. L frm Toor Collection & R Bonhams 2/2

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