

OC , fanart and webcomic rat artist! Drawing what I feel like!! || ESP/ENG/25/ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ

h: @dbrrrrt

フォロー数:288 フォロワー数:17293

45. Tsubaki
An oni queen that has lived over millennia. She throws dangerous parades every year to fill places with yokai. A samurai has sworn to defeat her but has yet to succeed. She is obsessed with her thought

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44. Toru ,28 years old
A 2m tall shark girl. She Maon's best friend with who she matches t-shirts. A problematic citizen that loves throwing random parties and is often changing jobs, but is always working as a waitress. Very irresponsible with her money. Likes bikes and fashion

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42. Yoku, age unknown
A kitsune of 6 tails. She is incredibly greedy and only thinks about money, so she takes pride in her riches. If u want to convince her of something, just offer some, and she might agree.

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41. Atlas , 243 years old
A kitsune of 2 tails. Apparently, he lost his other tails in an incident. He likes negotiations, money, and horror movies. Hates having his tails touched in any capacity

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39. 40. Cobra Lily and Almez Marius
The Marie Twins parents, and Bloody Marie uncles. A married vampire couple that only have eyes for each other, they are so lovey-dovey they make people sick. Almez is a chill man but Cobra Lily is as violent as her daughters...she is a florist

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38. King Caesar, 5559 years old
The king of vampires and Tyrones dad, a monstrous king that ...have become too old to reign. He has a monster form that he loves but he barely can sustain it anymore. Dahlia husband. He dreams of his days of glory

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36. Aster B. Marius
A skilled assassin that loves blood. He has a cleaning obsession.
Uh, if u look at the surname, u might notice something.

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34. 35.Rose Marie and Peony Marie
The Marie twins, Bloody Marie older cousins. They are a pair of violent vampires with a huge problem of blood lust. They are super protective of Marie , and they hate Tyrone. Rose wants to be royalty while Peony hates it. They tend to fight a lot

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33. Tyrone, 1480 years old
The heir of the king of vampires, and also, Bloody Marie fiancé. Even if he is royalty, he doesn't care about anything else but Bloody Marie. She and her butt are all he got in mind... he doesn't wanna be king and cannot tolerate blood.

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32. Bloody Marie
A hardworking vampire, Bloody Marie is the secretary of the devil herself, and she is also working as a hall monitor in a -strange- school. She is liked by everyone as she is sweet and generous but you better don't make her mad. From my old comic Beta Direction

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