

OC , fanart and webcomic rat artist! Drawing what I feel like!! || ESP/ENG/25/ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ

h: @dbrrrrt

フォロー数:288 フォロワー数:17293

31. Rhythm Nurse Stella , age unknown
A magical girl idol, who sings and fights EVIL. She is Lin-go sworn arch-nemesis. She is very popular in both irl and social media and does a lot of concerts

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30. Lin-go, age unknown
The fruit witch. She loves cooking and using strange ingredients for her recipes. Has a crush on Scarlette, the mushroom witch, as she thinks she is super cute, her twin-tails are her familiars, Pome and Granate

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we have concluded the TWL characters , as they are a few more that are in draft
so, now , time for random ocs for random projects

29. Scarlette , age unknown
The mushroom witch, she likes to eat , mushrooms....and that's it. Unreliable.

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27. and 28. J. Dewar and Mendy
They are twins, and they both go to the same magic school. Dewar is a potion expert, while is unknown what kind of magic Mendy does or if she does magic at all...but people seem to be afraid of her. Friends with Melody and Drako

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26. Drako , 15 years old
A dragon aficionado wizard. He is obsessed with them. Seems to be a big fan of the beast tamer witch Reina as well, but he never has seen her in real life, a dream a few can afford... Melody's friend

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25. Melody ( aka Kerebitt ) 16 years old
The frog witch. A witch in training who doesn't seem to do too good at school, as she only can do magic that involves frogs. A crybaby sometimes. Her pet frog is named Alfredo-

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23. and 24. Lokién and Logan (wip)
Andrew younger siblings
Loki is a retired witch that decided to pursue their actual passion, art! But they don't seem to like sharing it with others...Logan wants to make them a social media hit. Logan is very friendly and Loki..not much..

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22. Kuvi , 860 years old (wip)
Andrew crow familiar, she is laidback and loves to mock people. Most of the time they are in their bird form

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21. Gouge, 540 years old (wip)
The panther familiar. If u think you are looking at their face, you might be wrong.

(second pic is ft. fire cat Rekka 🔥)

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20. Zeiri , 50 years old (wip)
The multitasker witch, this is because she has a bunch of businesses across the town, and she can take care of every single one of them. She is Zero and Sorari mother. Strict, especially with her daughter. Usually gives Reina spa coupons

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